Isn’t an artist supposed to say everything he/she has to say visually rather than verbally? Why am I taking precious time away from my studio to pound out a posting about what happens (or doesn’t) in my studio? What even qualifies me to make this posting?
Well, saddle up or strap in folks, because these and other questions you may be asking will find some semblance of solution in this and future posts. If you have any interest in the arts, any small or great longing for things that could potentially inspire you, entertain you, or simply provoke you, read on. Check back. Comment, or send your questions. I can’t promise they’ll all be addressed, but I will try. The main goal here is simply: TO ENCOURAGE YOU TO CREATE.
Now back to that questionnaire.
Isn’t an artist supposed to say everything he/she has to say visually rather than verbally?
Well, I really believe that an artist’s duties are to create, to guide, to teach, to inspire and to encourage others to do likewise. As a multi-disciplined artist in an era of multi-media my responsibilities in these areas are not confined to doing so visually. Even if I were simply an abstract expressionist, a number of my predecessors in this particular discipline, such as Wassily Kandinsky, Mark Rothko and Barnett Newman, wrote extensively. So, I’m on fairly solid ground from that standpoint. And quite frankly, these blogs by artists are becoming so commonplace you shouldn’t be surprised by yet another.
The real question is the one about why I would take precious time from my studio to post “yet another artist blog.” That is one that makes me scratch my head, because I’d much rather be in the studio. Well, they say the key to success in Real Estate is, “location, location, location.” In the art world the key is “How much do I really know about this artist?” So, in hopes of letting you know more about me and showing you some of the best of my work while we’re at it, I’m in front of my computer instead of my easel. I can’t promise you’ll like everything you come to know about me, but what you get will be all me.
Now about that last question. What qualifies me? One word – PASSION.
I love what I do. If you can get me to talk about what I do, that becomes evident very quickly. So, what say we get started.
Here are samples of various styles and disciplines I employ.
This first piece is from a series of digital paintings I completed called "Fragile." This work, entitled "Heart of the Matter" as well as the rest of the images in the series were developed from photos of stained glass.

My photography has found favor with a number of jurors. This piece, called "The Flying Dutchman" is from my "Cultural Ghosts" series.

This next piece, entitled "Gaia", has recently juried into a national competition.

Finally, the style I work in quite often is abstract expressionism. This example of my work in this discipline is called "Emotional Rollercoaster."

That’s all for now. I’m heading into the studio, but I’ll be back soon. If you like any of what you've seen here and want to see more, visit my website at