Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Insidious Email Campaigns

I have to say how grieved I am to receive not once but on two separate occasions the same hate email concerning one of our candidates for President. First, let me say that I appreciate the concern of those who sent me this email. I know that they both had the best intentions, and that neither of you have hate in your heart towards anyone. I just think you should know how you are being used when you forward fear-based fiction that carries someone else’s agenda.

“Regardless of who you plan to vote for” is the innocuous preamble to this insidious message. Then it goes on to show disturbing photos of Islamic protestors demonstrating their hatred of all things and people non-Muslim. The email goes on to suggest the complicity of Senator Obama with terrorists on the strength of a badly contextualized and misquoted excerpt from the senator’s writings.

This is the same groundless accusation and fear mongering that some members of the GOP have been trying to embed in the general voter consciousness from the beginning of this campaign. It is a desperate ploy to misinform and prejudice voters by demonizing this candidate. Despite an extremely unfortunate name, Senator Obama is a homegrown U.S.A. citizen (or he couldn’t run) who is a documented member of the Christian faith. Now, before you question the strength of his faith, consider the email I am talking about. You know the one with the obvious hate message.

All I want to get across, if I can, is that whomever you decide to vote for, do it in response to faith that this is the greatest country on the planet: A country that is strong because of the prayers of the faithful and the love of an Almighty God we serve.

If instead we are voting against someone out of fear, we vote in vain, because we are saying that we no longer trust in our redeemer.

Just so you know, if you haven’t guessed by now, I cannot support a party that would pander fear in hopes of retaining power they have misused for eight years. I cannot support policies that continue to ship jobs along with our prosperity overseas. I can no longer support robbing from the poor to pay for golden parachutes. I have decided to vote in faith that we can change this country for the better. I will vote Obama for President.

Regardless of how you decide to vote, know that I love you and am praying for you.

Peace and Many Blessings


1 John 4:18 There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.

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